vendemmia egizi

The grape harvest has ancient origins, although it is estimated the origin of wine even to the Neolithic Age, the first evidences of wine growing and harvesting can be attributed to Sumerians and Egyptians.
Widespread among the Greeks and Romans, the wine culture is tied soon to religious cults, in propitiatory rituals and precise ceremonial. The wine consumption was also closely linked to the social classes: in ancient Rome poor quality wines were reserved for the poorest, while the patrician classes consumed wines of better quality, older and preferred specific grape varieties. Until the time Republican, wine consumption was reserved for men who have completed 30 years of age, was Julius Caesar to lift the ban on women.
In Rome used to do toast by drinking to the health of a person absent or anyone present at the banquet, which was to empty the glass and exclaimed: "Bene tibi, vivas!".
Could also toast to the beloved woman emptying many glasses as there were letters that made her name.

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