almanacco giugno

This month is mid-year and is characterized by the transition from the spring to the summer season on 21st, the summer solstice. This will be the longest day of the year in our hemisphere, as the Earth's axis will be inclined to produce maximum solar exposure and the greatest number of light hours.
On Day 2nd we celebrate an important anniversary for our country, the Feast of the Republic, to remember the institutional referendum of 1946, when the rightful voters chose republic as a form of government in Italy.

primo quarto 1st June First Quarter at 2.42 P.M.
luna_piena 9th June Full Moon at 3.09 P.M.
ultimo quarto 17th June Last Quarter at 1.32 P.M.
luna-nuova 24th June New Moon at 4.30 A.M.

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