August is absolutely the hottest month of the year, it includes the so-called period of "Canicola" between the end of July to about August 26. Canicola comes from the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, which in this period before the sun rises.
On August 15, it's celebrated by the Catholic Assumption of Mary into Heaven, which originates from an ancient Roman festival.
This year the phenomenon of the Perseid meteors, known as the "Tears of St. Lawrence", since often to coincide with the day of St. Lawrence (August 10) will be especially visible in the night between 11 and 12 August.

luna-nuova 2nd August New Moon at 10.44 PM
primo quarto 10th August First Quarter at 08.21 PM
luna_piena 18th August Full Moon at 11.26 AM
ultimo quarto 25th August Last Quarter at 05.40 AM

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