October is the month when autumn goes live and the day is always shorter and more, until make it necessary to change between daylight saving time to winter time by moving the clock back one hour on the night between 29 and 30.
At month end, exactly 31 we celebrate the pagan festival of Halloween, linked to the cult of the dead commemoration of November 2nd.
This festival almost certainly derives from the Roman festival of Parentalia, dedicated to the deceased, although the most commonly attributed to a Celtic celebration that celebrates the end of summer. The symbol of Halloween is, in fact, the classic carved pumpkin, vegetable growing throughout the summer and harvested in autumn.


1st October New Moon at 02.11 A.M.

primo quarto

9th October First Quarter at 06.33 A.M.


16th October Full Moon at 06.23 A.M.

ultimo quarto

22nd October Last Quarter at 09.13 P.M.


30th October New Moon at 06.38 P.M.

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