almanacco febbraio

The month of February owes its name at Febris, the goddess of fever and healing from malaria, which was celebrated on the day 14. Following the Catholic Church consecrating the day before to St. Febronia, then to St. Valentine, patron of lovers. For the Romans this month was closely linked to purification rituals, symbolizing the awakening of nature from winter hibernation. Among the purification rites were the Lupercalia, celebrated between 13 and 15 in honor of the Faun so that protect livestock from wolves.

primo quarto 4th February First Quarter at 05.18 A.M.
luna_piena 11th February Full Moon at 01.32 A.M.
ultimo quarto 18th February Last Quarter at 08.33 P.M.
luna-nuova 26th February New Moon at 03.58 P.M.

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