
The Xylella is a bacteria, which are known at the time four subspecies, capable of infecting about 150 species of plants: the fastidiosa affects olive trees, vines and maples; sandyi the oleanders; the multiplex peach trees, plum trees and elms; the pauca prefers instead citrus and coffee.
The fastidiosa caused a catastrophe for agriculture of Puglia, causing the disease of thousands of olive trees and the destruction of many others in order to avoid its spreading, without success.
This bacterium is spread by insect vectors, particularly in the Salento has spread through Philaenus spumarius.
Through sophisticated investigations on the bacterial DNA, it was concluded that the Xylella fastidiosa has arrived in Puglia in 2010, specifically in a vivarium, from Costa Rica, via Holland.
Although it is known, to date there is no cure for this bacterium, but can inhibit the spread of the insects attacking vectors through insecticide treatments and often cutting the grass in the olive groves, to eliminate insect larvae and young.

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